

Subscribe to Jasper. Song of the Day: Adoro Te G. K. Chesterton once said in his bluff way that the Catholic faith was a thick steak, a bottle of stout, and a good cigar. It was a eucharistic sentiment, just as when his friend Hillaire Belloc wrote these jaunty and immortal words: Wherever the Catholic...
Subscribe to Jasper. Word of the Day: PASTURE “The Lord is my shepherd,” says David in the sweetest of his psalms, “I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green PASTURES.” Not many of us these days will ever do that. I never have. I’ve never said, “These sheep of mine might like...
Subscribe to Jasper. Poem of the Day: “Love” by George Herbert The philosopher and mystic Simone Weil died before she was baptized into the Catholic faith she had come to accept with her mind and heart. It was during World War II, and she was in exile in England from her native land, France, and...
Subscribe to Jasper. Curiosity of the Day: Where Does That River Go? Whenever Jesus went from the heights in Jerusalem where the Temple stood, to the Mount of Olives, or whenever he went from Jerusalem to the house of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, his friends who lived in Bethany, he had to cross a deep...
Subscribe to Jasper. Word of the Day: PROTECT A crowd surrounded Jesus as he was walking toward the village. They were excited. “You should do this for him,” they said. “He has been good to our people.” “He built a synagogue for us.” “He has kept the tax collectors honest.” “He believes in the Lord...
Subscribe to Jasper. Song of the Day: “The Minstrel Boy” If you look at a map of the world, you will see an island called Ireland, separated from the larger island of Britain, with the Irish Sea between them. You probably know that pretty much everyone in Ireland speaks English, and that is because the...
Subscribe to Jasper. Word of the Day: BETHLEHEM When Jesus was about to be born, Joseph and Mary had to go on a journey from Galilee in the north, to a place called Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem. That was because the Romans were counting up everyone in the land, to register them for taxes, and...
Subscribe to Jasper. Story of the Day: A Battle of Gods The old man, his shepherd’s staff in hand, stood in the great palace, glaring at the king upon his throne. He knew where he was, because long ago, when he was a boy, he had been brought up in this place. “Thus says the...
Subscribe to Jasper. Curiosity of the Day: A Big Vacuum Cleaner How would it be if there were a big vacuum cleaner in space, sucking up all the big flying rocks that would batter the earth and leave it as scarred and barren as the moon? Well, there is such a thing. It is called...
Subscribe to Jasper. Word of the Day: AUGURY The twin brothers had begun not to like one another at all. Each one was trying to become the sole ruler of the new settlement they were building. So they decided to call upon the gods to decide the issue. They went with their soldiers to the...
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