
“Set out into the Deep” at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts

Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts > About > News, Events, & More > Blog > “Set out into the Deep” at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts

Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts offers an education for greatness. This may be a public greatness that human history will mark within its records or the quiet, hidden greatness that sustains families, societies, and the world, just beyond the vision of others. This greatness gives form to a life transformed, one in which students find true freedom, joy, and the wisdom that transcends our age.

Through its deep integration of liberal education and the Catholic faith within a joyful community, Magdalen College offers students the opportunity to pursue wisdom in a spirit of friendship, animated by a communion of faith, bringing the intellect and imagination to their fullness. Our community is unlike any other.

Apply today or learn more about academics, spiritual life, student life and career pathways at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts.

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