
Easter Sunday Translations

Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts > Easter Sunday Translations

Easter Sunday Translations

Introit: Resurrexi
Translation: I am risen, and I am still with you, alleluia; you have placed your hand upon me, alleluia; your wisdom has been shown to be most wonderful, alleluia, alleluia. O Lord, you have searched me and known me; you know when I sit down and when I arise.

Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes
Translation: To the Paschal Victim let Christians offer a sacrifice of praise.
The Lamb redeemed the sheep.
Christ, sinless, reconciled sinners to the Father.
Death and life were locked together in a wondrous struggle.
Life’s captain died; now he reigns, never more to die.
Tell us, Mary, “What did you see on the way?”
“I saw the tomb of the now living Christ.
I saw the glory of Christ now risen.
I saw angels who gave witness;
The cloths too which once had covered head and limbs.
Christ my hope has arisen.
He will go before his own into Galilee.”
We know that Christ has indeed risen from teh dead.
Do you, Conqueror and King, have mercy on us.
Amen. Alleluia.

Gospel Acclamation
Translation: Alleluia. Christ our Pasch is immolated. Alleluia.

Vidi Aquam
Translation: I saw water flowing from the right side of the temple, alleluia. It brought God’s life and his salvation, and the preople sang in joyful praise. Alleluia, alleluia.

Communion: Pascha nostrum
Translation: Christ our Pasch has been sacrificed, alleluia, let us rejoice in the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.